BS 5837 Trees on Development sites

BS 5837 Trees on development sites

Trees can be both a constraint and an asset to a development; Coastal Tree Consultancy will work with you to guide your development through the planning system. This could be in the form of pre-purchase advice, through site surveys, working with your design team, impact assessments, method statements and post development management. We will help you manage the trees on your development from start to finish to ensure the tree constraints on your site are managed smoothly.

Below is more information about trees and development:
  • Pre-development

    Tree advice prior to buying land or as part of the pre-application planning process with the local planning authority.

  • BS 5837 tree constraints survey and plan

    BS 5837 tree constraints survey and plan identifies the constraints and advantages of the trees on potential development sites, and is used by the project design team as an aid to the development design process.

  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA)

    Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA), the principle tree report for a full planning application where there may be an impact on trees. The Impact Assessment will show the impact of the trees on a development and the effect of the development on the trees, how the trees will be incorporated into the design, and protected during the construction period. It will include a plan showing the trees to be retained, by number and retention category, the location of tree protection and shows how the development fits around the retained trees. The plan will also show any areas close to trees where any special requirements are required, these requirements will then be covered in the Arboricultural Method Statement.

  • Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS)

    An Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) is often a condition of a planning consent, it details how construction works close to trees should be carried out. It details how and when fence and ground protection has to be erected around retained trees, the methods of construction required when construction is required within the root protection area; such as hand digging or a no dig construction methodology for hard surfacing.

    The AMS also details general restrictions close to trees and the sequence of works in relation to trees on a new site which may include a pre-commencement meeting and ongoing site supervision.

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